Transportation Industry
The main tasks that are relevant to the transportation sector of the country are the support and development of existing infrastructure, as well as the coverage of new remote territories. Today, planning, construction, control of use and the condition of transport facilities are impossible without the use of modern technologies; in particular, remote sensing.
Promptly updated satellite imagery and the results of thematic analysis can be applied at all stages of the establishment and the operation of transport facilities.
Methods of satellite imagery can successfully achieve the following tasks:
- provide timely data on the status of the area to design transport facilities and select routes, taking into account the landscape and geomorphological structure of the area;
- monitor the construction of transport facilities, assess the compliance of the facility position with the design documentation and operations deadlines;
- make the inventory of transport projects and assess the transport infrastructure development at the regional and federal levels;
- conduct the comprehensive monitoring of roads, exclusion zones and the immediate environment near transport facilities, including to identify cases of illegal economic activity close to transport facilities and to assess adverse manifestations of natural and man-made processes;
- assess the activity of modern exogenous processes that affect the safety of transport facilities, including the slope and channel processes, karst, thermokarst, water and wind erosion and other;
- assess the damage caused by natural phenomena and monitor repairs and restoration operations;
- monitor navigation on inland and marine waters;
- assess ice conditions in the sea areas and to ensure pilotage based on promptly updated data;
- conduct the comprehensive environmental monitoring of all transport facilities.