The archival image received on July 16, 2016 from SPOT 7 satellite shows the Kozhevnikov Bay — part of the water area of the Khatanga Bay, Laptev Sea.
Image of the Week: The Khatanga Bay
The Khatanga Bay of the Laptev Sea is located on the southeastern coast of the Taimyr Peninsula. Administratively, one part of the bay belongs to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the other to Yakutia.
The length of the bay is 220 km, the greatest width is 54 km. The depth reaches 29 m. In the bay there is Big Begichev island, which divides it into two straits: East and North. The Kozhevnikov Bay is located on the southwestern coast of the Laptev Sea, in the estuary of the Khatanga Bay between the Khara-Tumus and Nordvik peninsulas. Maximum depth of the bay is 7 m.
Most of the year the Khatanga Bay is covered with ice. The banks are high, steep, rugged, intensively collapsing under the action of thermoabrasion.
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