ScanEx opened GISEYE.COM portal

06 Октября 2008
В СМИ (до 2012)
Russia - The new www.giseye.com portal, opened by ScanEx R&D Center several days ago will ensure that affordable RS software products and geoinformation technology become popular and distributed on the international market.

The products introduced on the portal — are full-functional software tools with limited usage period, available for free downloading. After assessing the applications’ features and operation results, one may purchase the license key, entitling to permanently use these software products.

You can download a number of products that could be interesting both for software users and developers already now from the www.giseye.com portal:
— GISEYE Coordinate Converter (converts coordinates from one map projection into another. Coordinates list and projection parameters are defined by the user);
— GISEYE Raster Converter (converts raster files from one format into another. Ideal tool for data batch processing);
— GISEYE Vector Converter (converts vector maps of different formats. Enables to do data batch processing);
— GISEYE Value Converter (provides quick and easy conversion of different values from one presentation into another);
— GISEYE MapProj ActiveX (stand-alone ActiveX component designed for map projection parameters setting up and coordinates re-projection. The component can be used to create own applications);
— GISEYE GIS Developer Kit (GDK) (a set of ActiveX components that can be used to develop graphical interfaces of geoinformation software products).

<p style="text-align:right;"><i>Источнпик: GISdevelopment.net (http://www.gisdevelopment.net/news/print.asp?id=GIS:N_dvtehfpyzj&cat=Business%20News&subc=General)</i></p>
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