Satellite data of operation to save "Sodruzhestvo"
17 Января 2011
В СМИ (до 2012)
Satellite imagery data of the Sea of Okhotsk water area, where «Krasin” ice-breaker continues to lead the “Sodruzhestvo” depot ship out of the ice prison, were received by ScanEx RDC today. Radar data from RADARSAT-2 satellite were acquired by the «UniScan» ground station at 11:20 DMT.
The satellite image illustrates ice and navigation situation in the Gulf of Sakhalin of the Sea of Okhotsk. The ice-breaker and the depot ship were at about 50 km to the north of the southern water areas of the Gulf of Sakhalin at the time of imaging. “Admiral Makarov” ice-breaker was 20 km north-east of the “Krasin” ice-breaker. “Krasin” ice-breaker and “Sodruzhestvo” depot ship covered over 24 km from the place where the towing started. In its turn the refrigerator “Bereg Nadezhdy” continues to stay adrift within the area of open floating ice waiting for the convoy to approach it.
As RIA Novosti agency reports the towing of the “Sodruzhestvo” depot ship is still ongoing. The operation to free this depot ship was suspended Wednesday due to broken wire.
REFERENCE: Currently RADARSAT-2 data in direct reception mode are not available in the Far East, therefore satellite data was recorded onboard and downlinked to the Samara Space Monitoring Center, where the sole UniScan ground station, certified to receive RADARSAT-2 data, is located at the premises of the Samara State Aerospace University.
RADARSAT-2 satellite ensures unique imaging possibilities within a wide swath (500 km) at high spatial resolution with signals in 2-4 polarization modes. The presented image of the Gulf of Sakhalin water area was acquired in Standard imaging mode (scene size of 100х100 km, resolution of 25 m and in HH+HV polarization).
Published: GeoConnexion (