Over 450 specialists take part in Earth from Space
29 Ноября 2011
В СМИ (до 2012)
ScanEx General Director Vladimir Gershenzon (on the left), CEO of the Cluster of Space Technologies and Telecommunications of “Skolkovo” foundation Sergei Zhukov (on the right)
Over 450 specialists from 25 world countries take part in the 5th International Conference “Earth from Space…”
"Remote sensing technologies are of strategic importance for our country development. I wish us success in long-term cooperation," such were the welcome words to the participants of the 5th International Conference “Earth from Space – the Most Effective Solutions” of Sergei Zhukov, Executive Director of the Cluster of Space Technologies and Telecommunications of the “Skolkovo” foundation. The opening ceremony kicked off the conference today, November 29, at the Moscow Region “Vatutinki” complex, where within three next days (November 29 – December 1) questions related to satellite images handling will be discussed, presenting the experience and problems of introducing space technologies into practice. Over 450 specialists from 25 world countries take part in this three-day event.
"This conference is the biennial event held in Russia. Here we found not only business partners, but friends as well," said Rani Hellerman, Director Business Development & Customer Support of ImageSat.
"Russia is the world biggest country, therefore satellite imagery is the most efficient source of information about such a big country. Russian market is especially important for GeoEye company and we value a lot our partner relations with ScanEx RDC," said Matthew O’Connell, CEO, President and Director of GeoEye
"One may and should work in Russia," briefed ScanEx Vice-President Olga Gershenzon.
This statement was affirmed by Paulo Bezerra, Director, MSS and GSI, MDA, who presented souvenirs to Russian Centers of Space Monitoring (CSM), recently certified to receive RADARSAT-2 radar data. The souvenirs were accepted by CSM Director of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University Sergei Koposov and CSM Head of the Samara State Aerospace University Vladislav Sergeev.
Conference materials were handed in to the participants in eco-bags – net bags that are being knitted by blind people. The use of eco-bags may seriously decrease the contamination of the environment with plastic wastes. The conference organizers extend appreciation to the eco-bags creators for their efforts and call on all people to handle nature with care.
Published: Geoconnexion (http://www.geoconnexion.com/geo_news_article/Over-450-specialists-take-part-in-Earth-from-Space/12210)