«Kosmosyomka» association: union of RS market suppliers and customers
09 Апреля 2009
В СМИ (до 2012)
Address of the Northern Geographical Company to the suppliers of remote sensing data to the Russian market on March 30 has been published on GIS-Association web-site. This public address in particular highlights the necessity of joint discussion and exchange of experience and opinions between the representatives of RS data supplying companies and the customers. Issues of purchase, processing and application of space data, news and legislation problems regarding RS data, require timely decisions of all parties interested.
Supporting the standpoint, expressed in the Address and comments of GIS-Association, ScanEx RDC being the leading supplier of equipment, data and solutions to the space imagery market, recommends to establish a “Kosmosyomka” (Space Imaging) Association (prelim title) that will unite all interested market suppliers and customers. ScanEx Center also recommends to entitle this newly-born Association to organize the largest event in sphere of space imagery - International Conference and exhibition “Earth from Space – the Most Effective Solutions».
Honoring GIS-Association and paying homage to their indisputable merits – says ScanEx General Director V. Gershenzon, - we have to recognize there is quite a wide range of issues, discussed within the frames of its activities (first of all, in cadastre, cartography, etc.) and the specifics of the space imagery as an industry. Nonetheless, I believe that GIS-Association with all its experience could become one of the active participants of the Association being established.
A positive experience of establishing different associations should be highlighted: in navigation, cadastre, cartography and so on. Consolidated and correct efforts of the “Kosmosyomka” Association members will enable to create a favorable, business-like information environment and to encourage making verified strategic decisions in legislation.
ScanEx RDC welcomes all the RS data suppliers and customers to discuss and establish the “Kosmosyomka” Association. We look forward to seeing any comments and recommendations.
<p style=text-align:right;><i>Источник: EOportal (http://news.eoportal.org/policy/090414_pol2.html)</i></p>