In the track of Lomonosov under space monitoring
06 Декабря 2010
В СМИ (до 2012)
Project participants ’“Fish caravan -2” made to coincide with 300-jubelee of M.V.Lomonosov have arrived in Arkhangelsk Decemder, 6.
They intend to cross today’s auto track M8 “Moscow-Arkhangelsk”. This is the route taken by a future Russian academic, founder of Moscow University Mikhailo Lomonosov at nineteen joining the caravan in 1730/1731 to be enrolled in Slavic Greek Latin Academy in Moscow.
The author of this idea – Vadim Mikhailov the native of Arkhangelsk region, now lives in Vidnoe town in Moscow region said the project is guided by people who are ready to attract notice in anticipation of M.V. Lomonosov’s jubilee for personality and activity of the world scientist with encyclopaedic knowledge.
Project participants are about to cross 1300 kilometers doing 50-60 kilometers in a day walking and partly driving. They are to start on the 5th of December on the scientist’s Homeland in Lomonosovo village, Kholmogory region. And they are to finish on the 26th of December in Moscow on the Vassilievsky ground at the Kremlin. There at the beginning of XVIII century was Tax yard where Mikhailo Lomonosov arrived with the fish caravan.
The idea’s authors proposed a historical relative remake of events, it is not suggestive of acute and detail reconstruction of Lomonosov journey to Moscow. A refrigerator car is to be used instead of the caravan, and today’s school textbooks are to be taken instead arithmetic, grammar books brought by Lomonosov for entering in Slavic Greek Latin Academy. According to the project participants, two “Mikhails” are to travel Lomonosov way right away – the native of Velsk in Arkhangelsk region Andrey Salamatov and Yaroslav Kruslov, inhabitant of Vidnoe, Moscow region. They will step in for each other during their route leg to the capital.
They will be escorted by project leader Vadim Mikhailov, by a car escort and cameraman to shoot a documentary film “Fish caravan-2”.
On the travel line in towns and villages in Russian region project participants are to give Lomonosov lessons on-line to make the name of the great scientist popular.
Now one can watch the expedition on-line due the space monitoring system of engineering-technology centre “ScanEks”. According to the regional government press service one can see the route followed by the “Fish caravan” participants and their location on
Sourse: IA “Dvina-Inform” (