Haiti disaster: January 17 EROS-B image posted for
19 Января 2010
В СМИ (до 2012)
The highly-detailed EROS-B image (0,7 m) of the Haiti capital area, damaged as a result of the destructive earthquakes on January 12, was published for free access using the GeoMixer API software interface. The space image was acquired on January 17 by the order of SCANEX RDC placed to the ImageSat Int. (Israel) Operator on behalf of the Emercom Russia. The ScanEx Center specialists using the proprietary software ScanEx Image Processor conducted the processing and analysis of data. The image is provided by the international organizations UNOSAT and UNITAR.
As it was said before, the world leading RS Operators (DigatalGlobe, GEOEYE (USA), ImageSat Int. (Israel), Research Institute for Earth Operative monitoring (Russia)) continue to deliver regular real-time images of the disaster area. Data received from space is used by international organizations and institutions, conducting search-and-rescue operations in Haiti.
According to new satellite imagery data (as compared to the Russian Resurs-DK1 image from January 15) the rescue camp, where the Russian Emercom team is set up, has greatly expanded due to the arrival of new rescue teams from different countries. The IL-76 cargo aircraft of Russian Emercom is located in front of the Port-au-Prince airport building. In addition, the area of the temporary tent camps for IDPs has significantly enlarged on the territory of the stadiums and parks. At the seaport, damaged by the earthquake, the construction of the temporary quay for cargo unloading is ongoing.
Also, the satellite map of all Port-au-Prince area is available now for free, where destroyed and damaged buildings are outlined, as well as the road network of the region. Cartographic materials have been prepared in ScanEx Center and promptly submitted to the Emercom of Russia.
The flying plane, captured by the EROS-B image of January 17, proves that the airport of Port-au-Prince is operating intensively, which is usually typical of large international airports only.
Источник: Geoconnexion (http://www.geoconnexion.com/geo_news_article/Haiti-disaster~-January-17-EROS-B-image-posted-for/7473)