CARTOSAT-2 VHR Data Acquired in Russia
09 Июня 2009
В СМИ (до 2012)
On the eve of opening the XVI All-Russian Forum "Market of Geoinformatics in Russian. Current state and development trends" that is to take place in Samara until 10th June, ScanEx RDC presented a hi-tech gift to the «UniScan» universal ground receiving station operators. Now this firmware complex can be upgraded to receive CARTOSAT-2 data as well, thus increasing the total number of RS satellites handled to 16.
In May ScanEx performed the first test reception of data from the Indian CARTOSAT-2 satellite (national IRS remote sensing program of India). As a result cloud-free images of Moscow have been acquired - the most updated highly-detailed imagery of the Russian capital now. Data analysis confirmed a high quality of images acquired. Reception tests were successful and the CARTOSAT-2 data can now be delivered on a regular basis to the local ground reception stations.
CARTOSAT-2 spacecraft was launched on 10th January 2007 and is currently the best Indian space vehicle of IRS series in details of delivered images (spatial resolution of 0.8m). The satellite has been designed to provide panchromatic data at a high revisit period of any Earth area. Submeter imagery of CARTOSAT-2 can be applied in cartography for development of digital topographic maps and large-scale GIS-layers (1:5,000 - 1:2,000) based on the DEMs. The total weight of the satellite is 680 kg and the expected lifetime is 5 year.
The satellite can deliver wide-swath images thanks to the off-nadir imaging capabilities of the camera of ±45º in any direction. A high angular rate of camera pointing enables to provide various imaging modes: continuous strip mode, spot mode and paint brush mode. In strip mode imaging is performed in continuous strips from 9.6km to 290km in length in the North-South direction. Stereo pairs and triplets can be created (three images of one target under different imaging angles). In spot mode scenes of 9.6km x 9.6km in size are created on the either side of the track. Paint Brush mode is applied to increase the total swath by sequential scanning of a large-scale target employing both roll tilt and pitch tilt. Minimum imaging area is 49 Maximum - 2500 Imaging in South-North direction is also possible, opposite to the nominal forward direction of the satellite, when it is in insolation.
According to the terms and conditions of the license, signed between ANTRIX Corporation Ltd and ScanEx RDC in April 2008, the latter is allowed to upgrade its UniScan ground receiving stations with the CARTOSAT-2 data reception hardware, thus enabling to streamline access of the users to Indian satellite data covering Russian and CIS territories.
CARTOSAT-2 became the second RS program of submetre resolution (after EROS B with its 0.7m/pixel), available in the mode of direct reception to Russian ground stations.
<p style=text-align:right;><i>Источник: GIMinternational (,
Geoconnexion (</i></p>